Saturday, June 26, 2021

German Anti-Aircraft Artillery Platoon (Flak) located near Cambrai, France 1918.

 German Anti-Aircraft Artillery Platoon (Flak) located near Cambrai, France 1918.

A Platoon (Züg) of German Anti-Aircraft Artillery (Flak), consisting of two 7.7-cm L/35 (franz.97) Modified guns, in which the original French tubes have been replaced by those of the German field gun 7.7-cm L/35 FK 16. They were located on fixed concrete and brick platforms. The anti-aircraft platoon was located at the bottom of the North Canal or in one of its branches, at the height of Moeuvres, a town close to the front and close to Cambrai, France. The photograph was taken after an heavy summer rain and shortly before the British offensive was unleashed, which led to the Battle of the North Canal in September 1918.


Sección de la Artillería Antiaérea alemana (Flak) situada cerca de Cambrai, Francia 1918.

Una Sección (Züg) de Artillería Antiaérea (Flak) alemana, formada por dos cañones de 7,7-cm L/35 (franz.97) Modificados, en los que han sido sustituidas las cañas (tubos) originales francesas por las del cañón alemán de campaña 7,7-cm L/35 FK 16. Estaban emplazados sobre sendas plataformas fijas de cemento y ladrillo. La Sección Antiaérea fue situada en el fondo del Canal del Norte o en una de sus ramificaciones, a la altura de Moeuvres, población proxima al frente y cercana a Cambrai, Francia. La fotografía fue tomada depués de una intensa llúvia veraniega y poco antes de que se desencadenase la ofensiva británica, que dió lugar a la Batalla del Canal del Norte en septiembre de 1918.

Posted by Jose Luis Castillo © 2021- Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the WWI

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

French 75-mm Anti-Aircraft Gun on Mount-fixed platform M1915-Raft type.

 French 75-mm Anti-Aircraft Gun on Mount-fixed platform M1915-Raft type.

In this case, the barrels and mounts are installed on a work structure (brick or concrete), raised above the ground and in a circular shape, on which the entire platform rotated from a central axis.

This anti-aircraft assembly, which I have called "Raft Type" due to the obvious shape of its base, and in the absence of another official or technical name, was the first of the Model 1915 anti-aircraft assemblies. Later, other more functional assemblies were made, which we will describe with their respective images.


Cañón antiaéreo francés de 75-mm sobre plataforma de afuste fijo M1915-Tipo Balsa.

En este caso los cañones y afustes están montados sobre una estructura de obra (ladrillo u hormigón), elevada sobre el suelo y de forma circular, sobre la que giraba, desde un eje central toda la plataforma. 

Este conjunto antiaéreo, al que he denominado "Tipo balsa" por la evidente forma de su base o "Tipo sobreelevado", a falta de otra denominación oficial o técnica, fue el primero de los montajes antiaéreos del Modelo 1915*. Posteriormente, en 1916 se realizaron otros montajes más funcionales, que describiremos con sus respectvas imágenes.

Posted by Jose Luis Castillo © 2021- Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the WWI

Monday, June 14, 2021

German Anti-Aircraft 3,7-cm Maxim Flak M1914

German  Anti-Aircraft 3,7-cm Maxim Flak M1914 

Posted by Jose Luis Castillo © 2021- Anti-Aircraft Artillery in the WWI